Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sleeping positions

One of my favorite things to do when I wake up in the mornings is to go check on Londyn and see which way she is laying. We always lay her down in the same spot, wrap her in her blanket in the middle of the bed. I wanted to share with you all of the ways I have found her in the morning.Enjoy!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Love, love, love

I love LOVE worship time in a church service. You know, it's when all the lights are dim and slowly everyone but me and God fade into the background.

This morning we sung this song:
When I look at the blood
All I see is love, love, love.
When I stop at the cross
I can see the love of God

But I can't see competition
I can't see hierarchy
I can't see pride or prejudice
or the abuse of authority
I can't see lust for power
I can't see manipulation
I can't see rage or anger
or selfish ambition

But I can't see unforgiveness
I can't see hate or envy
I can't see stupid fighting
or bitterness,or jealousy.
I can't see empire building
I can't see self importance
I can't see back stabbing
Or vanity or arrogance.

I see surrender, sacrifice, salvation,
humility, righteousness, faithfulness, grace, forgiveness
Love Love Love........
When I Stop! the cross
I can see the love of God.

Godfrey Birtill

This was a reminder to me that I have a God who keeps no track of wrong. I serve a God who sacrificed the life of his son for me. ME!!!! I want people to only see love love love in me. I get so busy at work preparing for the new school year, shortening my to do list, and worrying about whats to come. Sometimes I forget that I am being Jesus to someone. I need to show more love to those around me. Lord help me to be more like you. Thank you God for your scarifies and unfailing love.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ugh to body images

Growing up I had a lot of issues with my body image. I came to a conclusion that my husband loves me no matter what my image may be. However, tonight, not so easy. Getting ready for Sunday church always slaps me in the face. Clothes never fit, hang right, and I have the "mom" look to me. This past week a little girl said "you look like your still pregnant".
I dread going to my closet. Tonight I wanted to just sit in a corner and cry. I'm not going to lie, I still want to. It's frustrating to wish I was the same size as a high school. I'm convinced no one stays the same size. As I was to the point of tears tonight, I turned around and saw my beautiful baby laying on my bed watching me. I walked out of the closet, shut the door and picked her up. As hard as it is for me to face my weakness, I have a little girl who forever will call me mommy. I wouldn't change that for the world. Lord, let that be enough for me.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

And The Little One Said Roll Over Roll Over

Since Londyn was about 11 weeks old she was showing interest in rolling over. Her little hips would be on their side but yet she could never get her arms to cooperate. Then that last two weeks she would just scream when we would put her on her belly. So after she had a long nap, clean diaper, and full tummy I thought I would try again. I have been reading how to encourage a child to roll. They always talk about putting a toy out of their reach. So I laid her on the floor and placed toys all around her. She pushed herself up on her elbows and was looking around. I pulled out a Vtech book with lights and was showing her and boom there it was, she just rolled over. I was in so much shock that I forgot to hit the record button on the camera. So I wanted to try again and walla! She did it again. I began crying and she just stared at me. If Keith came home right then he would have thought something horrible happened. They were tears of joy! Yay Londyn! 14 weeks and 5 days old. I have attached the video I got the second time. My voice sounds horrible, but immediate I started crying:)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Londyn's Dedication

Growing up in the church you see a lot of traditions. One tradition is dedicating a baby shortly after birth. I knew from the beginning that I wanted to have Londyn dedicated to the Lord. Yes we dedicated her ourselves when we first found out that we were expecting her and again when the pregnancy started becoming complicated. But there is something about making things official and public. For example, when you fall in love with someone you want a wedding, when you have a baby you want a shower, when your relationship status changes everyone on Facebook knows about it. We are public people. It is almost like we need to have the support from friends, family, and other Christians.
So this past weekend we wanted to publicly dedicate our sweet Londyn Rae to the Lord. There is so much building up to it in preparation. First off there is a questionnaire we had to feel out, along with telling the story of Londyn and how miraculous her birth truly was. As I was writing out the story of Londyn I became all emotional:), because I realize that it was the hand of God that brought that little girl into our lives. If it wasn't for Him, Londyn and I both could have died. When I announced that we were getting her dedicated my sister and brother-n-law asked if they could by her dress for the ceremony. They bought her a beautiful simple white gown with smocking, a white bonnet, white dedication blanket with a cross, and little robeez shoes. She looks like a little porcelain doll once she was dressed. I was sure to dress her in one white dress to travel to church and wear to Sunday school. If you know my child you know that she can poop like it's her job:).

As we stood up there and heard the congregation take an oath that they would help to teach her how a Christian to walk and talk, it was amazing. I know they "have" to do it, but I also know that we go to a church full of prayer warriors and great friends. Our church family saw how hard it was on Keith and I to bring Londyn into this world. They saw God work a miracle.

I am so glad that I have a God who will lead me and guide me on how to be the best mother I can be! I know that I will not always make the right decisions in raising Londun, I'm not God. However, I do know that I gave my child to Christ this past weekend and He will help us bring her up right.

It was great having the following people there: My sister and brother-n-law, Dad, brother-n-law, Mother and father-n-law, our good friends old neighbors, and of course our church family!
I have attached photo's of Londyn's big day! Happy Lookings!