Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's been happening?

20 pounds lighter, woohoo!! Who knew it would mean so much and feel so good!?!?! I started this weight loss journey almost 2 months ago. I have to admit I have struggled a few times to lose weight. However with perseverance I have beaten obesity according to my BMI. Sad to admit that, huh? I know, it makes me realize how much I needed this lifestyle change for the good of my health.

In other news Londyn is on her second week of being in the Big one's classroom. She is loving it! This current month she is learning the color red, circle, A and B, 1 and 2. As well as the sign for please, thank you, sorry, more, eat, and drink. Although she is  fluent in all her signs except for drink.

Here she is on her first day of school!!

 She is currently cutting her 7th tooth, which makes for a fussy time. She currently enjoys putting your finger in her mouth to ease the pain, not a good sign for biting. But is easing my mind with her growth.

I am really looking forward to a few days away. Every year I get stressed out as the planning begins for the new school year and when I finally get a chance to relax, I enjoy it:)

Londyn will be in her first wedding Labor day weekend, we are getting very excited about this! That same weekend we plan on making a trip to the zoo, which she is going to LOVE!!!!!!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

♫My momma said there would be days like this, my momma said♫

♫My momma said there would be days like this, my momma said♫ 
It's true, from the time she woke up this morning Londyn was emotional. Getting ready for school was full of screams and no no's. At school I heard a lot of crying from my girl and "Londyn do you want to go to time out?".  After school I knew I needed to do a few errands before we hit home and with her emotions I was going to have to be creative.

Our last stop was Meijer. I decided she really just needed to feel the freedom that she had. So as a proactive mom I thought allowing her to walk through the store would be a great idea. Well it was, until we got to the diaper aisle and there were pictures of babies on everything. We admired the cute babies that Huggies and Pampers picked for their boxes. While deciding on buying the box that gave less diapers but a $2 coupon or the box that had the most diapers, I looked over to see that Londyn had climbed the bottom shelf and was hiding between the tall boxes of diapers (I have to admit it was pretty cute). I have been looking for beige shoes for a wedding Londyn will be in so I thought the shoe aisle would be perfect. Well on the way to the shoe aisle we found baby play mats and wanted everything to do with them. After her fit was thrown she quickly decided to help me carry her diaper box to the register. Such a BIG girl! We rung our things up, she hid between the self check out and the cart holder while I was getting help from an associate.  Gathering her up, we paid for our things and held the line up for people while we carried her diapers out together. (Somehow while putting her in the car seat I got her foot stuck and bent in her cup holder:( ugh).

When we got home the urge to be independent was still there, so I thought what better way to have Independence then to have her help me make dinner. With that said we gathered our things to make pancakes and begun.
pouring in the mix

checking out the whisk

mixing the ingredients 

Silver dollar pancakes!

Ready to eat

They are so good

here is my happy girl

time to wipe off

You see not every day is perfect (who am I kidding, every day there is something). Some days are extremely emotional and sometimes there has to be a change in plans and routine. Today was one of those days.

Today is the beginning of what I hope to be many days spending time in the kitchen with my little girl, having help in the grocery store, and stopping to take in all the cute babies on the diaper boxes. 

Happy 16 months to my very independent little toddler, I LOVE YOU!