Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Prayer Walks

In high school and college I would run and work out to relieve stress. Since I've been married I have had little stresses but nothing run worthy.
Last week I was hit with some stress that was unbearable for me. I began to feel depression hit me, I just kept crying, I don't think there was much anyone could have done for me.
Having a little girl leaves no time for a mommy to have a bad day and be depressed. So Friday afternoon I decided that I would bundle her up in her stroller and her and I would go for a walk. As I was on my walk I began to talk to God just asking for His guidance and security. (I know people thought I was a crazy lady pushing her child) I just began sobbing and crying on our walk.
I have only done a few prayer walks in my life time. I can tell you this one was needed. I kept hearing these words as I walked, "I am your refuge, lean on me". As it was getting dark and we were nearing home I kept repeating those words to myself. I am so glad that God will take care of me.
In the end I tell myself this is all that matters: I am a child of God, I have a loving beautiful family, and there is nothing more that I need in this world.

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