Saturday, May 9, 2009

In the mist of Craziness

This week was a wild and crazy week at the Kollege for me. Monday I had one teacher out; Tuesday I had two teachers out, leaving me with 18 students by myself; Wednesday teachers all present, chapel, preperation for muffins for moms and piano recital; Thursday one teacher out, muffin for moms, and piano recital 6:45a.m.- 8:30p.m. with about an hour break; Friday teacher out again, mother and daughter tea (teachers not prepared) causing me to try to cover 2 rooms.
Through the whole week I continued to think that things could not get worse. As the week went on it became even more crazy. Friday ended with stress and tears.
Here was my thought in it all; "Lord you are stretching me, I know you would not put on me more than I can handle."
I will have to say that it is so true, that even when I feel my head would explode God was there to calm and comfort me.

Here are the great things that have happened this week: I had to take time out to realize the innocence of each little one at the preschool. My husband still loves me even when he gets the heat of my stress (Thank you babe:)). Ashlyn Hochstetler has given me hope as I have heard and seen her great progress through video. Praise the Lord that she is home with her family. The recital was amazing, putting each child in the center of attention and seeing their reaction. Last but not least, spending time with our great friends Matt, Julie, and Caroline Wise.