Saturday, February 20, 2016

Happy SWEET 1st Birthday Harper Grace

Dear Harper Grace,
          What a blessing you are to our family. I can't believe that tomorrow marks your first birthday!!! You have no idea how much you mean to us and how precious your little life is to this family. 4 years ago we knew we wanted another baby, we just had no idea how long it would take to have another baby. We prayed for you before you were created in my whom. The day that I found out that you were created I flipped took a test before work didn't say anything to daddy, went to work came back home to take another test just to make sure I wasn't dreaming. The day I found out happened to be June 16, 2014, mommy and daddy's anniversary. We had this date planned out for a few days that we would eat sushi. All day I tried to keep it a secret from your daddy because I thought it would be cool for him to find out on our date. He was so excited about Sushi that I didn't have the heart to tell him that I was pregnant and shouldn't really eat sushi. When we arrived at Sushi Don I decided this was the best time to tell him before we picked from raw fish from the menu. I wrote daddy a love note about our life together and at the very end I announced that we were going to be having a BABY!!! He was so sweet about the whole thing making sure that we had all cooked sushi to make it safe for you. This was the best anniversary gift God could have given both of us....YOU!!!
         7 weeks later our friends found out that they were expecting their long waited baby too! We were pregnant buddies. It was a lot of fun to walk into a restaurant together and see the reaction of people when seeing two very pregnant women together. My pregnancy with you was so fun and relaxing. I had no complications with you and stayed very active. when picking your name we wanted something that would be strong and honoring of God. I loved the name Harper and thought it was so unique (sorry, it wasn't as unique as I thought). Your middle name though I wanted it to resemble our journey waiting for you. I couldn't stop thinking about Grace and How it was God's Grace that gave you life and put you into our lives. Harper Grace.....One loved and uniquely created by God's grace.
         On February 19, 2015 I was home alone with Londyn when I started to feel contractions and began to wonder if this was the real thing. When daddy got home late that night I was telling him all about my contractions. All night I tossed and turned as the contractions continued through the night. Around 5a.m. I couldn't sleep anymore and decided to shower thinking it would feel better. Little did I know my water had started leaking. I decided that I would go to work because I would closer to the hospital ( a whole mile:)) and it was better to walk around than to stay home and sit. Around 10:00a.m. I called the doctor because I was sure that my water had broken! Daddy met me at work and we headed to the hospital for a check up because the doctors office was too full. We had no idea that we would not be leaving until we brought you home. 2:26 a.m. on February 21st you arrived in this world weighing in at 6lbs 15oz and 20.5 inches long. You didn't cry for what seemed like forever. Daddy and I were so scared because no one was talking but everyone but the doctor was surrounding you, running in and out of the room....lots of people. Finally a cry!!!! We were relieved and the room began to fill with words.
            Your first year of life has been so much fun! You are such a happy baby with lots of smiles. People always say how you never meet a's true. Though there were times that you cried some days a lot and I would remind you how you were not living up to your middle name of being graceful:)).
             Some things that you love to do is play peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake, wheels on the bus, tickle tickle. You also love to play with little people and the car meemaw and papa got you for Christmas. Any time you see a picture of big sis you smile, laugh, and give it a kiss.....You adore her! Some words that you say are: Dad, mama, mwah (kissing), tickle tickle, yeah. You know where your nose, mouth, and eyes are. One of your favorite things to do is to walk around and have mommy chase you. You always try to run faster and giggle lots. You have 4 teeth but are working on your two top eye teeth....they are killers.
            Today we celebrated your birthday and it was a blast. We had a candyland party with lots of candy and colors! Poor thing, you were not feeling well. We think it's just teething but it has made for an exhausted baby. You were so sweet about your birthday cake.....slow and tasty.
            There are so many people that love you and have prayed for you before you were created. You are the blessing this family waited for. I am so excited to see what is in store this next year. Happy Birthday baby girl I love you!!!!!!!
