Monday, December 27, 2010

How Big's Londyn? So Big!

The month of December brings many blessings to my family!
Here are a few reasons why:

*In the past year I have had to lean on God in so many ways. The 19th of this month was the one year anniversary of me being put on bed rest. Why celebrate that you ask? Because that day we were told that our baby would not survive and that I might lose my life too. I would say that being here today is a miracle and definitely something to celebrate.

*In the past month I have seen so much growth and change in my sweet Londyn. First off she is HAlerious!

*She can make the funniest faces, sounds, and make you laugh your head off. She cracks herself up too:).

*She has accomplished crawling, sitting back down, pulling herself up and falling down. She is working on cruising and moving from one piece of furniture to another. This is all resulting in bumps, scrapes, and bruises.

*We moved her crib down a level, this is not going so well. She is waking up EVERY time I lay her down.

*She cannot say mommy or daddy yet, but she can say "hey, huh, yay, and on". She can sign more at meal
time or when she wants a snack.

*We do a lot of praising in our house and it shows. Londyn loves to clap for herself and say yay.

*She thinks that when you say no she should laugh, so she does. This doesn't make her daddy very happy.

*She also likes to wave at you and play "How big's Londyn, So Big". Her arms raised as high as they will go and her little head tilted to the right. So sweet.

*Londyn has accomplished picking up her snack, transferring to her other finger and placing it in her mouth.
"Puffs" were one of the greatest inventions! They are perfect for the car, church, restaurant, play time, and after meal snack.

*Christmas was a lot of fun. We bought Londyn 2 gifts. The rest of our family filled our living room up. I think we need to start looking for a bigger house. She wasn't really into the unwrapping but definitely into the gift inside.

*She has been cutting teeth for two weeks now. She has been quite the trooper with her gums bleeding and all.

*She has been able to play peek a boo for a while. Yesterday we were at Walmart and I looked down to her covering her face and pulling the blanket down really quick!

*She has a cute set of mittens and hat that were made for her by a dear friend. They are off most mornings by the time she gets to her sitters house.

*She loves her baby sitter. Ms. Heather has been a blessing to us and our sweet Londyn. January is the last month that Londyn will be under her care.

*Today I sent a sippy cup with her, we will see how that goes.

* Thursday her and I will be flying to see my mom in North Carolina. This should be interesting. Let's pray her ears don't pop and she's having a good day.
I say all of this to say "How Big's Londyn?" SO big! My heart is about to explode out of my chest with the joy that I find in her. She is a silly girl and has plans of doing everything on her own time. I can see that Parenting is not always going to be easy but the great reward of seeing her little face light up when her daddy walks in the room, her praising herself for doing great things, and the cuddling she loves to do. This my friends is priceless, I can't even begin to put a price on this joy. God has blessed our family!

Here are a few pictures from Christmas with family. I will add more of our Christmas soon.

                                                           What girl doesn't want money?

                                                            Her cheesy smile. Funny Face.

                                                   Crawling under tables to play hide and seek

Monday, November 29, 2010

Blessings on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was great! I have so much to be thankful for this year. First off I have a home to keep me warm and food to keep me plump:). I could not complain about my family (including n-laws), I'm pretty blessed there. I am so blessed to have a wonderful husband of 3.5 years. My latest blessing has been my sweet Londyn.
Last year I was 20 weeks pregnant with that little peanut:

This year we were celebrating 7.5 months of sweet bliss of being parents. I am one blessed momma!
Being silly:

Thanksgiving day Londyn enjoyed some of her mamaw Deckard dumplings and mashed potatoes, along with baby peaches. That night at Aunt Julie's she had pumpkin pie with daddy. Needless to say she loved them:

Friday before we left we were able to get a family picture:

It was a wonderful thanksgiving full of reminders of how blessed I am. I am a blessed daughter, sister, sister-n-law, wife, daughter-n-law, and momma.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Growing, Changing, and Learning at 7 months

I haven't written in a while. Life has somewhat been crazy, just come to my house you will see. Londyn has been growing, changing, and learning so much in the past month. Today she is 7 months old! I can't believe it. It is seriously almost time to start planning the party:). Keith and I have been talking lately about how much she has changed and how much she is doing now. In the past month we have added baby food to her diet (peas, green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots).When you put her on her belly she makes circles to get around to you (hasn't figured the crawling out yet). She loves to sit up and play with many toys. She likes to play "cause and Effect" by dropping and seeing if we pick up. She also likes to be passed around. She loves to squeal. Something that she has done for a while now is hum herself to sleep in the car.
I am looking for one of two things this month her to either start crawling or start pulling herself up. She is more interested in learning how to walk then she is crawling. Never has been one to lay on her belly.
In the past week I believe that she has been working on teeth. It's interesting how you go to a check up and your child is fine and then a few days later they come down with something. That is my sweet Londyn. I have nailed it down to an ear infection or teething. If she doesn't cut teeth this week I will probably get her in to the doctors next week.
She hasn't really been in her bed for almost a week now. Every time we put her to bed she will sleep and hour and then she is up and won't go back to sleep in there. Needless to say, we have had many nights of cuddling together.
I can't leave her sight for a second. She thinks she has to go to the bathroom, cook, and clean with me. Doesn't she know her day will come soon enough? Crazy girl.
Yes this past week has been a little stressful at bedtime but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Happy 7 months my sweet Londyn!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Prayer Walks

In high school and college I would run and work out to relieve stress. Since I've been married I have had little stresses but nothing run worthy.
Last week I was hit with some stress that was unbearable for me. I began to feel depression hit me, I just kept crying, I don't think there was much anyone could have done for me.
Having a little girl leaves no time for a mommy to have a bad day and be depressed. So Friday afternoon I decided that I would bundle her up in her stroller and her and I would go for a walk. As I was on my walk I began to talk to God just asking for His guidance and security. (I know people thought I was a crazy lady pushing her child) I just began sobbing and crying on our walk.
I have only done a few prayer walks in my life time. I can tell you this one was needed. I kept hearing these words as I walked, "I am your refuge, lean on me". As it was getting dark and we were nearing home I kept repeating those words to myself. I am so glad that God will take care of me.
In the end I tell myself this is all that matters: I am a child of God, I have a loving beautiful family, and there is nothing more that I need in this world.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Half way there!

So this Saturday Londyn will be the big 6 months. Wow! Can you believe it?! I feel like just yesterday I was in the hospital learning how to nurse her. Here she is growing up and adventuring out.
I had a dear friend who recently started her child at KK and she cried when she dropped off. Oh do I remember those days! I began laughing at myself that day because I cried over many things. First I cried because this little miracle survived in me for 9 months. Second I cried within 5 minutes of being at home the first day, because I was in charge of her. Third, I cried because she would cry in the car and there was nothing I can do for her. Fourth I cried because she had a belly ache and I tried everything. Fifth, I cried because I had to leave her for 8 hours out of the day so I could work. I knew how much of an influence her sitter would have on her and how little time I would see her in a day. The last time that I cried for her was when she slipped out of her stroller because I didn't buckle her in.
The reason that I laughed is because some of those things were so small, but so big at the time.
We have survived 6 months of her life and I think so far so good:). Now I have count downs. She will be eating baby food, sitting up, crawling, walking, coming to kk in 6 months, and turning the big 1 years old. Keith is convinced that Londyn should not have a birthday party. However, I am already imagining it. It will probably be bright colors because she likes Red and Hot Pink items. We will have a special cake or cupcake for her to eat. She will dig in (as she is already trying to eat our food) and make a fun filled mess. There will be tears shed because we didn't think that her birth would be successful. Family will be rejoicing with us. I am sure she will be spoiled with lots of toys (in the mind of a baby:)).
I love being her mommy and teaching her the way to go. Happy 6 months my sweet Londyn

Monday, September 13, 2010

Wanting the best for Londyn

Lately I have felt a lot of pressure from different people about letting Londyn go. You see she stays with me for church, I like her with us as much as possible (she will not want this forever), and I am having a hard time leaving her with other people than family and Heather. It's not that I don't trust that people can do it, it's that I want the best for my child. I want her to grow up knowing that we have always wanted the best for her. Sometimes I have a hard time because I know that every one parents differently and what if they try to care for Londyn in a way that I don't see fit.
I have really tried to let go and let more people adventure with her, maybe it's because the guilt trip is played, not for sure.
I do know this though, I worked hard to get this little girl and I don't want to ever lose her. It wasn't easy bringing her into this world, and I want to care for her and give her the best. I don't think that there is anything wrong with being picky, I am hoping that someday others see that too.
I love that girl and I am her mommy. I will always have a say in who she hangs out with or stays with. I think that what we do and allow today will be the judge of her future.
Don't we all want the best for our children? Should I loosen up some? Should I hand her off to more people? I am not sure that I know the answer to that. I do know, however, that there is nothing wrong with wanting the best. She's an investment!
I am so glad that God is trusting me with her! Thank you Jesus for sending me your Angel

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Little miss Londyn

I have learned a few things in my short time as a parent. One thing that I have learned is that growth is an important thing along with always showing love and Christ. Let me get back to the growth thing for a bit. When Londyn was born she weighed 7.4lbs. As you know babies always lose a little weight after birth.
At one week the baby is expected to be back at birth weight, not our little peanut though. We had to come back for a weight check after the weekend. And then she started to really pack on the pounds at her 2 month check up, not a lot, but definite improvemnt. A few weeks ago I took Londyn in because she hadn't pooped (yes I said poop)for a week, I was worried about waiting too long and then going through the unneccesary process. When she was in for that she was at 13lbs a little over 4 months old. Yesterday she had to be weighed twice, coming out at 12lbs. How does a baby lose weight while on cereal? Her length was right on at 25 inches, she doing great there, but this weight thing is an issue. Who ever thought we would be encouraging weight gain. Londyn is somewhat benifitting from all of this, she gets more cereal. Not just more, but two more times a day! She has got to be in heaven today:). Along with cereal increase we are on vitamin drops. They smell aweful, I thought all baby medicine was sugar coated and flavored grape. We have a check up in a month to see where her weight is with more cereal.
On another note she loves floor time, her excer-saucer, talking, and hearing deep funny voices. She loves to give me kisses, rather a pro at it. She is determined to sit up soon and to start running.
So although we are working on gaining weight, we have seen so much change in Londyn in just this past week. We are learning to appreciate the little things all over again. God sure knew that we would need that reminder. God is God!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Women Of Faith

About a month ago I was given a ticket for the Women Of Faith Conference in Indianapolis for my birthday. I'm not going to lie, I was some what upset that the ticket was bought. I didn't feel that I had the time to take off work, leave/take Londyn, or that it was the right time to spend that kind of money.
Thursday I did the crazy packing for Londyn's and I over night stay in Indy. Somehow I managed to get everything in one duffle bag. Before Londyn, many of you know, I couldn't pack for myself in one duffle bag.
Friday morning at 8 we were off for the adventure. I heard a lot of great speakers, halerious comedians, well acted plays, and amazing worship. We were entertained by the following people: Andy Andrews, Mary Beth & Steven Curtis Chapman, Patsy Clairmont, Nicole Johnson, Mandisa, Marilyn Meberg, Sandi Patty, Anita Renfroe, and Lisa Whelchel. My favorite people were: Mandisa, The Chapmans, Anita Renfroe, and Patsy Clairmont. There were many stories I heard over the weekend. I heard about how each person is different in how they need praise, how labeling ourselves and people is not good, as well as the heartfelt stories of each person that stood on the stage. We heard stories of how each person has struggled one way or another, but yet God carried them through.
Anita Renfroe was halerious, she was full of jokes. Her big thing is to twist the original lyrics of songs. If you get a chance look up her videos on youtube: You will never look at "you raise me up", a turkey red button thing, and a shamwow the same way again.
Mandisa sung both Friday and Saturday. On Saturday she brought out former Idol contestant Melinda Doolitte to sing with her. Mandisa reminded me of this I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
The one story that has stuck with me and I keep thinking about over and over again is this. Mary Beth Chapman spoke about the tragic accident that killed their little Maria. She talked about how Maria had a picture sitting on her little table of a flower. But on the back of the paper she wrote this SEE and a picture of an angel. Mary Beth talked about being depressed and still coping with it, the hurt that she felt at the time of the loss, and everything in between. But at the end of her story she looked at her son (The one who was driving the vehicle the day of Maria's death) and she said these very words, "William, Mommy still loves you so much".
It reminds me that I can do many things, I will fall short many more times, and yet I serve a God who says, "Kimber, Daddy still loves you so much". Wow, I am amazed by that statement. Though Mary Beth probably didn't say that line for the audience, it caught my attention and I am so glad it did.

After realizing that God made a way for me to be at Women of Faith, I know I needed to hear many of those words. I wish that I could buy tickets for all the wonderful women in my life. Next year I hope to join the other 11,000 women in renewing my spirits with this incredible conference again!
It was an amazing time to get together with some of the ladies from church and experience this amazing time with them.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sleeping positions

One of my favorite things to do when I wake up in the mornings is to go check on Londyn and see which way she is laying. We always lay her down in the same spot, wrap her in her blanket in the middle of the bed. I wanted to share with you all of the ways I have found her in the morning.Enjoy!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Love, love, love

I love LOVE worship time in a church service. You know, it's when all the lights are dim and slowly everyone but me and God fade into the background.

This morning we sung this song:
When I look at the blood
All I see is love, love, love.
When I stop at the cross
I can see the love of God

But I can't see competition
I can't see hierarchy
I can't see pride or prejudice
or the abuse of authority
I can't see lust for power
I can't see manipulation
I can't see rage or anger
or selfish ambition

But I can't see unforgiveness
I can't see hate or envy
I can't see stupid fighting
or bitterness,or jealousy.
I can't see empire building
I can't see self importance
I can't see back stabbing
Or vanity or arrogance.

I see surrender, sacrifice, salvation,
humility, righteousness, faithfulness, grace, forgiveness
Love Love Love........
When I Stop! the cross
I can see the love of God.

Godfrey Birtill

This was a reminder to me that I have a God who keeps no track of wrong. I serve a God who sacrificed the life of his son for me. ME!!!! I want people to only see love love love in me. I get so busy at work preparing for the new school year, shortening my to do list, and worrying about whats to come. Sometimes I forget that I am being Jesus to someone. I need to show more love to those around me. Lord help me to be more like you. Thank you God for your scarifies and unfailing love.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ugh to body images

Growing up I had a lot of issues with my body image. I came to a conclusion that my husband loves me no matter what my image may be. However, tonight, not so easy. Getting ready for Sunday church always slaps me in the face. Clothes never fit, hang right, and I have the "mom" look to me. This past week a little girl said "you look like your still pregnant".
I dread going to my closet. Tonight I wanted to just sit in a corner and cry. I'm not going to lie, I still want to. It's frustrating to wish I was the same size as a high school. I'm convinced no one stays the same size. As I was to the point of tears tonight, I turned around and saw my beautiful baby laying on my bed watching me. I walked out of the closet, shut the door and picked her up. As hard as it is for me to face my weakness, I have a little girl who forever will call me mommy. I wouldn't change that for the world. Lord, let that be enough for me.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

And The Little One Said Roll Over Roll Over

Since Londyn was about 11 weeks old she was showing interest in rolling over. Her little hips would be on their side but yet she could never get her arms to cooperate. Then that last two weeks she would just scream when we would put her on her belly. So after she had a long nap, clean diaper, and full tummy I thought I would try again. I have been reading how to encourage a child to roll. They always talk about putting a toy out of their reach. So I laid her on the floor and placed toys all around her. She pushed herself up on her elbows and was looking around. I pulled out a Vtech book with lights and was showing her and boom there it was, she just rolled over. I was in so much shock that I forgot to hit the record button on the camera. So I wanted to try again and walla! She did it again. I began crying and she just stared at me. If Keith came home right then he would have thought something horrible happened. They were tears of joy! Yay Londyn! 14 weeks and 5 days old. I have attached the video I got the second time. My voice sounds horrible, but immediate I started crying:)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Londyn's Dedication

Growing up in the church you see a lot of traditions. One tradition is dedicating a baby shortly after birth. I knew from the beginning that I wanted to have Londyn dedicated to the Lord. Yes we dedicated her ourselves when we first found out that we were expecting her and again when the pregnancy started becoming complicated. But there is something about making things official and public. For example, when you fall in love with someone you want a wedding, when you have a baby you want a shower, when your relationship status changes everyone on Facebook knows about it. We are public people. It is almost like we need to have the support from friends, family, and other Christians.
So this past weekend we wanted to publicly dedicate our sweet Londyn Rae to the Lord. There is so much building up to it in preparation. First off there is a questionnaire we had to feel out, along with telling the story of Londyn and how miraculous her birth truly was. As I was writing out the story of Londyn I became all emotional:), because I realize that it was the hand of God that brought that little girl into our lives. If it wasn't for Him, Londyn and I both could have died. When I announced that we were getting her dedicated my sister and brother-n-law asked if they could by her dress for the ceremony. They bought her a beautiful simple white gown with smocking, a white bonnet, white dedication blanket with a cross, and little robeez shoes. She looks like a little porcelain doll once she was dressed. I was sure to dress her in one white dress to travel to church and wear to Sunday school. If you know my child you know that she can poop like it's her job:).

As we stood up there and heard the congregation take an oath that they would help to teach her how a Christian to walk and talk, it was amazing. I know they "have" to do it, but I also know that we go to a church full of prayer warriors and great friends. Our church family saw how hard it was on Keith and I to bring Londyn into this world. They saw God work a miracle.

I am so glad that I have a God who will lead me and guide me on how to be the best mother I can be! I know that I will not always make the right decisions in raising Londun, I'm not God. However, I do know that I gave my child to Christ this past weekend and He will help us bring her up right.

It was great having the following people there: My sister and brother-n-law, Dad, brother-n-law, Mother and father-n-law, our good friends old neighbors, and of course our church family!
I have attached photo's of Londyn's big day! Happy Lookings!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Londyn's headbands

If you have met Londyn you know that I love to put bows in her hair (more like on her head:)). I love the headbands with the big flowers. However I never liked the price. I have seen them between $7 and $20. Tonight I decided to get it a shot and try to make them by myself. Below you will see how I made them. Bargain: $19.59 bought 10 bows, 2 head wraps, 25 hair clips, E-600 glue, black and white ribbon.

Steps to making a bow:

First you have to cut your ribbon to the length to cover the clip. I did this so that there is some cushion between her head and the metal.

Second glue the ribbon on to the clip and press for about 2 minutes. Let sit for about 10 minutes for adding bow.

Third cut stems and or leafs. Put glue on the clip and press bow until dry (about 4 minutes)

Fourth, you can sew your headbands together if you know how to sew. For those who can't, like myself, just overlap the material a little and clip the bow on, no sewing necessary.

When you want a change just change out your flower to match the perfect outfit.

I will be on the hunt for more bands and flowers. This might become an addiction of mine:).

(Sorry my pictures uploaded backwards)Check my facebook to see more options

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Little Debbie:Oatmeal Cream Pie

Every Tuesday evening we have taco Tuesdays with friends. Last night our friends brought over Oatmeal Cream Pies for dessert. The whole pie melts in your mouth, the thick cream that is placed between two cookies, yummmmm. Even though per serving consist of 300 calories I still have a love for them.

Here is how they are made:

1 cup margarine
3/4 cup dark brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoon molasses
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1 1/2 cups quick oats
Cream Filling
2 teaspoons very hot water
1/4 teaspoon salt

1 (7 ounce) jar marshmallow cream
1/2 cup shortening
1/3 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1In large bowl, cream margarine, sugars, molasses, vanilla, and eggs.
2Combine flour, salt, baking soda, and cinnamon.
3Add to the creamed mixture; mix in the oats.
4Drop dough by TBSP on ungreased sheets.
5Bake at 350°F.
6Bake for 10-12 minutes,or until just starting to brown around the edges.
7They will look moist; don't overcook.
8While the cookies bake prepare the filling.
9In small bowl, dissolve the salt in the hot water.
10Allow this to cool.
11Combine marshmallow cream, shortening, powdered sugar, and vanilla in med bowl; mix on hi until fluffy.
12Add the cooled salt water and mix well.
13Spread filling on flat side of one cookie, press 2nd cookie on top.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Strikes and Angel kisses

It's funny the things that we believed as kids. Last nights storm brought a memory back for me. I don't know if you know this or not I am a big scaredy cat.:) I use to run down the hall screaming "boo" at every door thinking I would really scare someone if they were out to get me. I remember always being scared when the storms came rolling in. I remember this day very vividly. It was storming really bad and the electricity had been knocked out. Two fears, the dark and storms. So I would cry and cry and cry. My mom finally came up with this excuse for the storm. God was bowling and whenever the thunder would BOOM God made a strike. Still being startled by the sound of the thunder in our flash light lit room, I began cheering God on. "Go God! Woohoo!" It's a miracle how though I was so scared I began to cheer God on in the darkness.

Today I was in the breakfast room at work and one of the kids said, "I have a lot of freckles". It made me think about how every time I would visit my moms house she would say that the angels had been busy kissing me because I have a lot of angel kisses (freckles) on my face.

The innocence that a child holds is so great. I hope that someday Londyn can look back and have stories of the same. I also hope that through my parenting and watching Londyn grow that I gain that child like Faith.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

.....Today I will marry my best friend....

Wow! It's been three years since I have said that. Today Keith and I celebrate our 3 year anniversary. Last night we began to reflect on what God has brought us through in our marriage. This morning I was doing a little bit of reflection myself.
The day I said I do....Saturday, June 16th at 2:30pm I was going to be walking down that Aisle. All morning I was nervous, excited, and ready to be married. I remember brushing my teeth right before heading for the aisle, we waited to kiss for a week:). I remember trying to get in the bathroom stall so I could go to the bathroom, thanks Misty, Julie, and Amanda. My sister Julie prayed over our day and marriage 15 minutes before it was time. Then of course there were things that I didn't know like, that my dad wasn't there yet, the cake was late and not how we wanted it (looked better than we could have imagined). Now it was time for my dad to walk me down the aisle. As we were walking he was holding my arm so tight that I lost feeling in it and thought I was going to faint walking in my 4 inch heel. I was able to do something that my father and I promised each other since I was a little girl, before he gave me away we gave butterfly kisses.
A year went by and we celebrated a year of marriage. At that time we didn't know that we would go through the deepest valley out there. At a year and a half we decided we wanted to start a family. As many of you know we were pregnant within 2 months and lost our baby at 8 weeks of the pregnancy (the baby was only 6 weeks). We went through a really hard time trying to cope with why God would let something like this happen to us. The only thing that I can think of is that it was a relationship building moment. Our second anniversary passed.... We started trying again as soon as the doctor gave us the okay. That August we found out that Precious Londyn would be here in April (same month we miscarried).
In December we went through another valley when I was placed on bed rest. In April our family expanded to a party of 3. 3 weeks into parenthood we closed on our first house that we call home. Today we are celebrating 3 years. No it was not all a bliss. There were many bumps, no wait potholes in the road that we have traveled. I have learned something through all of this though, God never fails! Even though there were times that I felt alone in the past 3 years, that God left me hanging on the edge of the cliff, I know that because of this journey called life my marriage is what it is today. No we never wanted to go through it, but we understand these things: How important it is to stick by each other, that we truly do love each other, Life is precious and should not be taken for granted, and that God really never left me I pushed him away.
Today I want to thank my husband for an amazing journey in our marriage...I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us this next year and many years to come!
Happy Anniversary my love, my Keithster;).