Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Little miss Londyn

I have learned a few things in my short time as a parent. One thing that I have learned is that growth is an important thing along with always showing love and Christ. Let me get back to the growth thing for a bit. When Londyn was born she weighed 7.4lbs. As you know babies always lose a little weight after birth.
At one week the baby is expected to be back at birth weight, not our little peanut though. We had to come back for a weight check after the weekend. And then she started to really pack on the pounds at her 2 month check up, not a lot, but definite improvemnt. A few weeks ago I took Londyn in because she hadn't pooped (yes I said poop)for a week, I was worried about waiting too long and then going through the unneccesary process. When she was in for that she was at 13lbs a little over 4 months old. Yesterday she had to be weighed twice, coming out at 12lbs. How does a baby lose weight while on cereal? Her length was right on at 25 inches, she doing great there, but this weight thing is an issue. Who ever thought we would be encouraging weight gain. Londyn is somewhat benifitting from all of this, she gets more cereal. Not just more, but two more times a day! She has got to be in heaven today:). Along with cereal increase we are on vitamin drops. They smell aweful, I thought all baby medicine was sugar coated and flavored grape. We have a check up in a month to see where her weight is with more cereal.
On another note she loves floor time, her excer-saucer, talking, and hearing deep funny voices. She loves to give me kisses, rather a pro at it. She is determined to sit up soon and to start running.
So although we are working on gaining weight, we have seen so much change in Londyn in just this past week. We are learning to appreciate the little things all over again. God sure knew that we would need that reminder. God is God!

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