Thursday, February 12, 2009

Along The Way of God's Will...

34 hours already this week with a day and a half left to go. Through all of the craziness of this week I began to really doubt my ability to fulfill my duties of my job. Here is what my husband helped me to realize, that I am God's will. You see 8 years ago I got a Mustang GT Convertible yellow with a white top and leather interior. I began to work at my dads gas station, Keith came over to check out my car. Ended up falling in love and went to Olivet for four and a half years. Did an internship with Kiddie Kollege my senior year. Graduated, began as Director's assistant. The Director left and I became interim for a year. September 2008 I was offered to take on the duties of Kiddie Kollege Director, which brings me to today. The Lord was in me the whole time and although sometimes I feel like I am deep in water, somehow he always comes through for me. Realizing this yesterday, I began to think what it was at Kiddie Kollege that is keeping me. Here it is:
Kiddie Kollege is the BEST Preschool in Lafayette! I have been blessed with amazing families. The best part of my job is this, the children. I lay in bed last night thinking about all of my names the children call me: Ms. Kimber, Ms. Timber, Principal, Boss, teacher, Director, lunch lady. I love walking into the room and feeling the love of children for me. It is an instant reward and reminder of what I am here for.
I love my leg hugging, snotty nose, attention seeking, accomplishing, goal oriented children so much and realize that is why God has placed me here.
Thank you Keith for scolding and opening my eyes, and thank you God for never failing me.

Can we say is it Friday yet!?!?! How Does God reveal himself to you?


Heather said...

I am glad that you are feeling better and want you to know that Kiddie Kollege is so great because you are a part of it.

Isn't it amazing that sometimes we have to get to such a point of dispair before we realize that we are not alone and that God never fails?

I know in my own life, the times when God reveals himself the most are the times when He shows me just a glimpse of the me that He sees. Without all the excuses, self doubt, pity and pride. Not the list of flaws and should of's and if only's, but who I really am in him.

You are such an incredible example of what God can do in the life of a person that loves Him and submits to Him. You are so young, yet have accepted such enormous responsibility, I can not even imagine the amazing things He has in store for you. Keep your chin up, I know it is hard at times, but you are never alone. Oh yeah, and you have Keith..... what more could a girl ask for? ;)

Love ya!!!

newbeginnings said...

Amen. It amazes me how many times I said that I trust in the Lord, but in the end I throw in the towel and try to solve things on my own. The awesome thing.....He has never left me! Thank you Heather