Friday, March 13, 2009

My week....

Sundays thought, I asked myself a few months ago, why is it that I close my eyes and raise my hands in praise during service. Here is what I have decided. First of all I am easily distracted, I think I am ADD, if I am sitting pass the 4th roll I might as well forget about trying to stay focused on service. Second, I find that this is my one time to truely just soak up the love of Jesus in my soul. I have found that closing my eyes and raising my hands has helped me to become one with God. It is interesting how much more I can get of Him if I close my eyes to rejoice. How do you become one with him?
MTWR- can we say CrAzY!!!
Friday- Loving Friday! A lot of great things happened today. First thing is it is Friday! Had a wonderful day with my students. Loving my husband more and more as we step into the next step of life. Excited about staying up until like 11 and sleeping in until like 11:) Life is great!!!

And your week?


Andy Lauer said...

Kimber, I appreciated your description of your experience during worship gatherings--raising hands with eyes closed, basking in God's love.

I always struggle with the self-conscious aspect of it all--it's really difficult for me to become completely unself-aware, but I do it anyway because it's an act of humility and of openess before God for me.

Glad you had a great week ;-)

Heather said...

So glad you had such a great week. More like thrilled ;)

Emily said...

Kimber! I'm so excited for you! Thanks for sharing the joy! :-)