Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday and Lent

Every Wednesday most of the 75 children at Kiddie Kollege get together to worship in chapel. Anyways today is Ash Wednesday on the Christian calendar. I try to include my students in all Christian holidays.
I have to confess I was very nervous about today and how I would be able to explain putting ashes on your forehead to a bunch of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 year olds. After really seeking and praying about it this was the final product.

Started with Song: You Never Let Go
Talked about the different steps of Ash Wednesday: Pray, Fast, Give
Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and discussed that when the time was right the caterpillar became a Butterfly
Afterwards I wanted to have a small group time where we could make sure it was sinking in.
After each class got into small groups we played worship music in the background and they discussed changes that could be made to help others. Each child was giving a bean to place in a jar to represent all the changes that we could make with prayer. We will continue to fill our jar during this Lent season.
I gave each child a bracelet that had a cross and said Ash Wednesday: Pray, Fast, Give. This is a reminder of what this season is all about. I also thought this was a great way to share with our families. The last thing I wanted to do was put a cross on the foreheads of each child with vanilla flavoring. I was nervous about this one because I'm not sure that it is my place to do, but I felt the children needed to experience the full meaning. The children were asked that once they received their cross that they quietly headed back to their classroom.
I can honestly say that God was in that service. The teachers and children took this time very serious and were very interested in all that we were doing. I mainly wanted to blog about today because I want to do this same service next year.
It is a blessing to care for all 75 children daily, praise the Lord! It is our responsibility as a Christian school to teach the children about the life of Jesus and all that he has done for us.

Onto my own season of Lent.... Last year I gave up turning on the lights or leaving the lights on at night when I slept. Call me crazy, through that I was able to overcome a fear that was about to swallow me whole. This year I have decided to do the traditional, give up pop. I usually get a can of pop to start my day every morning. This will be a challenge for me. This year Lent has a different meaning. I have a lot of worries and concerns that need to be laid down at the alter. I am hoping that during this season of Lent I can do this. I know that God will provide for me in every way needed. That is why I have to lean on Him.

May this all be done for the glory of God!

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