Monday, November 3, 2008

It's all because of Jesus I'm alive

This weekend was amazing! We were able to visit our good friends in Ohio. The kids have gotten so big in the past six months that we have not seen them. The youngest one is talking now, today she was singing Scooby Doo I love you.:) We were able to catch up on life and where God has taken each of us. I enjoyed hearing about how God is working in their ministry and to see their future church. We saw many things in Toledo, met a few people, and had great food all weekend. Another thing that we did this weekend is church, a lot of church. A service that we went to on Saturday had an AMAZING child care facility. On Sunday night we had church in their living room. But the best part of this weekends services is the tent city service. This was a service that took place in a tent, I am assuming downtown. The special thing about this service is it was a service for the homeless of Toledo, OH. I have to admit that when we first walked in and saw the homeless sitting around, I felt uncomfortable. But as we walked into the area of the service, I saw families joining in for church. There were many homeless along with other people to support the cause. When the service began we sung All because of Jesus. If you have ever heard this song you would understand why I was effected by this song. As I sat there singing it's all because of Jesus I'm alive, I began to look around the room and see these homeless people praising the Lord. Wow, they truly are thinking it's all because of Jesus I'm ALIVE. Their life is in his hands from day to day. I saw these little children standing around, had no idea whether they were homeless or not, but I thought about my family. I thought about how close they were to being homeless, how I am sure that my dad spent a few nights in his car. I can't imagine my little sister laying on the streets praying to Jesus to stay warm in these cold nights.
I can honestly say that it was a very humbling service, we are blinded by our riches that we do not always see the other side of life. I pray that all who are without shelter tonight would be protected and kept warm. I also am thankful that God is faithful to me. It is all because of Jesus I am alive, it is all because the blood of Jesus Christ, that covers me and raised this dead mans life, it's all because of Jesus I'm alive.......

Thanks Barb and Andy for opening your home to us.....We miss you!!!


Andy Lauer said...

Kimber and Keith you are much loved and missed too. We loved every minute of our weekend together--it seemed to me like we'd never been apart. I guess all good friendships ought to feel that way after a long separation.

I pray that God will continue to use your experiences here in Toledo to shape and strengthen you in your ministries. He's been so good to us. We're praying for you.

Keith said...

Couldn't have described my feelings better myself.

Emily said...

Wow, thanks for sharing that Kimber. I love that song too and can only imagine how powerful it was in that service. :-)