Wednesday, June 9, 2010

She truly is a Miracle

I know I talk about Londyn A LOT! I am one of those parents:). I just have to share how in awe I became over the weekend. Keith left for the weekend with some of the teens from church and so I decided to visit some family. We always stay with my in-laws when we visit Bedford. The last time that we had visited was Friday December 18th. That was the night that my placenta previa became complicated, putting me on bed rest. As I was getting Londyn and I ready for bed I realized how scary everything had been. Here I stood alone in the very same room I had bled in 6 months ago. I began to realize just how fortunate my own life and the life of Londyn was today. I remember how the doctor in the ER that night told us how Londyn would not survive if I went in labor. I remember all of the beeping of monitors to make sure she was still surviving. I also remember that she was so little it was hard to keep track of her, when the alarm would go off the nurses were back in looking for that little heartbeat. We were also told that night that if the bleeding did not stop I would be life lined to Indianapolis, possibly fighting for my life.
Standing in that room last Saturday night, remembering how scary life became 6 months ago. I stand here today, both Londyn and I, healthy. God is so faithful and truly worked a miracle in the life of the Deckards the early morning of December 19th.
I hope that I never forget where the Lord has brought me from and how he is never to busy to work a miracle in my life.

Thank you Jesus for Loving me and protecting my baby!!!!!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Amen! What a testimony to the awesome power and faithfulnees of our God!